Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - April 23, 2008

From the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 23 Apr 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous

* 2008 report by UN Special Representative John Ruggie: "Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework for Business and Human Rights"
- UN Human Rights Council will consider report at forthcoming session 2-13 June 2008, Geneva

* Commentary on John Ruggie's report by Center for Human Rights & Environment (Argentina)

* China: Human Rights Watch calls on Beijing Olympic sponsors to "live up to their professed standards of corporate social responsibility" and speak out about deteriorating human rights situation in China
- Provides excerpts from sponsors' statements on human rights & Olympics

* So. African Human Rights Commission summons 3 ministers over abuses related to mining application by Mineral Commodities

* Anglo American ties managers' promotions to safety record, in initiative to achieve zero deaths at its mines

* Ghana: Communities accuse AngloGold Ashanti of discharging raw sewage into water source
- AngloGold Ashanti denies allegations

* Guatemala: Death threats against bishop allegedly due to his criticism of mining practices in his diocese
- We invited Goldcorp to respond but they declined to do so

* US Supreme Court to decide whether to hear companies' appeal in apartheid reparations case - review of both sides' arguments

* Indonesia: L'Oréal partners with UNESCO to encourage hairdressers to spread awareness of HIV/AIDS

* United Arab Emirates: Some improvements in construction workers' conditions, but abuses still common

* Oxfam America & Economic Community of W. African States to create common mining code for the region - seeks to improve protection of human rights & environment

* Aspen Institute survey of students at 15 top business schools finds social issues are important factor in career choices

* BNP Paribas responds to Amnesty Intl. France regarding investment in landmines & cluster bombs (further to previous Updates)

* Español: Guatemala: Amenazas de muerte contra obispo supuestamente por sus críticas a la minería en su diócesis
- Goldcorp declina comentar

* Español: Ecuador: Organización civil planea denunciar a Bechtel ante Corte Interamericana por deterioro de la calidad del agua en Guayaquil

* Español: Argentina: Inclusión económica y social - Arcor y su programa de responsabilidad social con proveedores

* Español: España: Caixa Sabadell pacta con sus empleados un protocolo contra el acoso laboral

* Español: España: Juzgado dice que Cadena Cope despidió a redactora por estar casada con una mujer y por su afiliación política

* Español: Ecuador: Demandantes del juicio contra Chevron/Texaco en Ecuador fueron premiados en EE.UU. con el Goldman Prize

* Français : Reporters sans Frontières interpelle Coca Cola & d'autres sponsors des JO lors des assemblées générales à propos des droits de l'homme en Chine
- réponses du PDG & d'un directeur de Coca-Cola

* Français : Credit Suisse distribue des ballons qui auraient été fabriqués par des enfants au Pakistan - la banque répond

* Français : Projet commun de code minier commun dans la Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest vise la protection de l'environnement & des droits humains

* Français : Réponse de BNP Paribas aux déclarations d'Amnesty International France sur des investissements dans des entreprises liées au commerce de mines antipersonnel et de bombes à sous-munitions

* Français : Canada : Novae juge les rapports de développement durable exemplaires - Telus, BC Hydro, Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity

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