Saturday, June 28, 2008

Anglo-American investment in Zimbabwe

From Times Online:
Anglo American, the London-based mining giant, is to make what is believed to be the largest foreign investment in Zimbabwe to date, just as the British Government puts pressure on companies to withdraw from the country.

Anglo will invest $400 million (£200 million) to build a platinum mine in Zimbabwe — a move that has raised concern among some of the company’s shareholders and been condemned by politicians.

The Foreign Office was investigating tonight whether the company’s investment breached sanctions against Zimbabwe. Anglo insisted that its involvement in the country did not break the law.

The decision, which was criticised roundly as likely to give succour — and possibly money — to the Mugabe regime, is in stark contrast to the policy of nearly all other main British corporations in Zimbabwe. They are either withdrawing from the country or waiting for Mr Mugabe to be deposed before expanding their businesses.

Read the entire article here.

H/t to Terry Glavin.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - June 25, 2008

From the BHR Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 25 Jun 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous

* Mandate of UN Special Representative John Ruggie renewed for 3 years

* Australia: Oxfam welcomes govt. support of vote on steps to prevent Australian companies' involvement in rights abuses

* British companies' operations in Zimbabwe - Anglo American criticised for new £200m investment (also refers to Barclays, BAT, BP, Rio Tinto, Shell, WPP)
- Anglo American news release on its presence in Zimbabwe

* John Ruggie presentation to OECD Guidelines Natl. Contact Points

* Global Policy Forum & Misereor rejoinder to Ruggie regarding his report

* Netherlands trial begins against Trafigura over deaths & injuries following dumping of waste in Côte d'Ivoire

* Iraq: Talisman enters Kurdish region - reaches deal with local govt. to promote "revenue transparency" & "respect for human rights"

* Bangladesh: Report by Intl. Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) on labour rights concerns in garment manufacturing - in co-operation with Carrefour

* Argentina: Tribunal brings criminal charges for environmental contamination against Vice Pres. of Bajo La Alumbrera - first ruling of its kind in Latin America; company to appeal

* "Climate Change and Human Rights - A Rough Guide" (with section on transnational business)

* Human rights challenges faced by the finance sector - UNEP Finance Initiative briefing

* BBC Panorama finds child labour in Primark's supply chain in India - includes company response

* Announcement: Intl. Seminar on Business & Human Rights, chaired by Mary Robinson, Paris, 4-5 Dec 2008

* Switzerland: Campaign group sues Nestlé for allegedly spying on meetings criticising the company

* Aspen Institute guide to business school programmes on social, environmental responsibility

* So. Africa: Judgment expected tomorrow in silicosis case against AngloGold Ashanti

* Global financial firms commit to strengthening environmental, social factors in investment decisions in Asia

* Financial Times profile of Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

* Job announcement: Coordinator, London Mining Network (deadline 6 July)

* Español: México: Se lanza el Centro de Información del Comportamiento Empresarial (CICE) con el objetivo de vigilar las prácticas empresariales

* Español: Argentina: Procesan penalmente a directivo de minera La Alumbrera por contaminación peligrosa para la salud; caso sienta precedente
- incluye comunicado de la empresa

* Español: Guatemala: Minera Maya Níquel acusada de contaminación hídrica es multada por no tener estudio de impacto ambiental - empresa apelará

* Español: Argentina: Pobladores temen impacto sobre salud y medio ambiente de explotación petrolera en Bariloche - Repsol y Pluspetrol no se pronuncian

* Español: Perú: Presidente de sindicato CUT dice que en reportes a la OIT se "consigna múltiples transgresiones a los derechos laborales fundamentales"

* Español: España: Hotel Hesperia firma acuerdo para insertar laboralmente personas con discapacidad

* Español: Bangladesh: Zara (de Inditex) pide el cierre de fábrica perteneciente a uno de sus proveedores ante denuncias de abusos laborales

* Español: Suiza: ONG demanda a Nestlé por espiar reuniones en las que se criticaba a la empresa

* Français : Bangladesh : Nouveau rapport de la FIDH signale des violations des droits du travail dans l'industrie du vêtement

* Français : Suisse : Nestlé accusé d'avoir infiltré une ONG qui critiquait l'entreprise

* Français : Sénégal : Un atelier de renforcement de capacité réunit 22 femmes entrepreneurs de 6 pays africains

* Français : Rép. Dém. du Congo : Enfants employés dans les mines de diamant au Kasaï Oriental

* Français : Séminaire International 'Entreprises et Droits de l'Homme', 4 et 5 décembre 2008, Paris

* Français : Tunisie : Fondation Pfizer lance son programme « Travaillons sans fumer »

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Urgent Action: Stop Canadian Lakes from being used as toxic mine dumps

From CBC:
CBC News has learned that 16 Canadian lakes are slated to be officially but quietly "reclassified" as toxic dump sites for mines. The lakes include prime wilderness fishing lakes from B.C. to Newfoundland.

Environmentalists say the process amounts to a "hidden subsidy" to mining companies, allowing them to get around laws against the destruction of fish habitat.

Under the Fisheries Act, it's illegal to put harmful substances into fish-bearing waters. But, under a little-known subsection known as Schedule Two of the mining effluent regulations, federal bureaucrats can redefine lakes as "tailings impoundment areas."

Mining Watch Canada has put out an urgent action on this:
Since 2005, Environment Canada has announced that 14 lakes and streams are slated to become dump sites for the disposal of environmentally toxic mine waste “tailings”. Two lakes have already been destroyed and eight more natural water bodies are being decided on this year!

The government needs to hear from Canadians that the use of natural, fish-bearing waters as mine dumps is not acceptable!

Please let Loyola Hearn (Fisheries and Oceans Minister), John Baird (Environment Minister) and your local MP know about your concerns for the future of Canada’s lakes and streams. Write, e-mail, or fax them and tell them that NO more Canadian lakes and streams should be used for tailing dumps. Please also send a copy of your message to MiningWatch. Contact information and a sample letter can be found below:

Honorable Loyola Hearn
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-990-1866

The Honourable John Baird
Minister of the Environment
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
10 Wellington Street, 28th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Fax: 819-953-0279

Find your MP:


Because lakes and rivers are fish habitat they are protected by the Fisheries Act. The Fisheries Act is Canada’s oldest environmental legislation and prohibits the release of “deleterious substances” into fish-bearing waters, and the alteration or destruction of fish habitat. However, in 2002, a “schedule” was added to the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations under the Act. Schedule 2 essentially re-defines any natural water body listed on it as a “Tailings Impoundment Area.” Once a lake or river has been put on Schedule 2, it is no longer considered a natural water body (and no longer protected by the Fisheries Act) and a mining company can use it as a dumping ground for millions of tonnes of tailings and waste rock.

The first two lakes to be approved for destruction, in 2006, were near Buchans, Newfoundland. These lakes used to contain Atlantic salmon and brook trout and were also home to otters. Since then the requests from the international mining industry to use Canadian waters for their toxic waste disposal have increased at an alarming rate.

Under current legislation and policies mining companies are required to compensate for the loss fish habitats that are turned into tailings impoundments. However, even fisheries and oceans experts acknowledge that entire lake eco-systems cannot be compensated for:
As far as I am aware there has been no successful compensation undertaken for the loss of a fish-bearing lake.
“ examples of whole lake restoration and compensation to guide developments forecasts irreparable harm.”
If DFO approves [whole lake destruction] at that point then it is clearly not based on any technical or science-based arguments” (quotes from S.C. Samis, I.K. Birtwell, and N.Y Khan. 2005.)

The fate of many of these lakes has yet to be decided, however there is currently a strong bias within the government towards allowing the use of water bodies to receive mine wastes. Environment Canada staff have told MiningWatch that this is not only an appropriate action, but in some cases it is the “best solution” for dealing with mine wastes. It is now critical that Canadians weigh in to stop the destruction of more of our precious water resources.

For more information contact Catherine Coumans at (613) 569-3439 or catherine(at) or Ramsey Hart (ramsey(at)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

letter to Harper and Emerson

Below is the letter I sent to Stephen Harper and David Emerson, with copies to the Liberal, NDP, and Bloc leaders and foreign affairs critics, requesting that they implement the Advisory Group recommendations arising from the National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility in 2006.

Timing is critical right now, as we believe the government may make an announcement at the G8 leaders' meeting in Japan in July. I urge people to write their own letters to the Harper government in this regard. Here is the letter:

Dear Messrs. Harper and Emerson:

I am writing to you regarding the need for human rights standards to which Canadian extractive sector companies will be accountable. We have seen time and time again that voluntary guidelines are not enough to stem the incidence of human rights violations, as Canadian mining companies have been complicit in a range of human rights violations and environmental abuses.

We have recently passed the one-year anniversary of the release of the Advisory Group Report arising from the National Roundtable on Corporate Social responsibility. As a Canadian, I am upset that your government as not implemented the recommendations articulated in the report.

These recommendations are the culmination of a rare dialogue between industry and civil society. They provide us with an opportunity to ensure that Canadian companies respect human rights in their fields of operations in other countries. Both industry and civil society stand by the report, and are calling on you to take action.

In particular, I want to see

· Mandatory human rights standards for Canadian transnational oil, gas and mining companies.

· Monitoring mechanisms to make sure Canadian companies meet these standards.

· Legislation to hold Canadian transnational oil, gas and mining companies accountable in Canada when found complicit in human rights abuses.

Mr. Harper, at the 2007 G8 meeting in Heiligendamm, Germany, you expressed support for these recommendations, saying that their implementation would make Canada a G8 leader in supporting principles of corporate social responsibility.

I respectfully urge you to put forth legislation implementing these recommendations as soon as possible. The upcoming G8 Leader’s Summit at Hokkaido Japan would be a prime opportunity to make an announcement to this effect.

Stephen Karr

Thursday, June 19, 2008

NDP private members bill on CSR for mining companies

NDP Foreign Affairs critic Alexa McDonough is introducing a private members' bill to hold mining corporations accountable for the upholding of human rights standards in their operations in other countries.

Here is a link to the bill, and here is the press release in full:

OTTAWA – On the eve of the 2008 G8 leader’s summit in Japan, Alexa McDonough (Halifax), NDP Peace and International Development Advocate, has challenged Prime Minister Harper to make good on the commitment made a full year ago by taking ownership of her bill, tabled today in the House of Commons, dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility of Mining Corporations Outside Canada.

“At the G8 summit in Germany (June 2007), the Prime Minister boasted
that Canada would become a world leader in corporate social responsibility for mining companies doing business abroad,” said McDonough. “A full year later, the government has still not acted, raising the question of what the PM will tell his G8 friends in Japan?”

“Today introduced a Private Member’s Bill on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), effectively putting into law what the Prime Minister endorsed on the world stage at last year’s G8 Summit. The government has no excuse for its grotesquely irresponsible inaction. If the Prime Minister wants to avoid being a laughing stock, he will support my CSR bill and live up to his promises.”

McDonough’s challenge follows 15 months of government silence since a series of national roundtables leading to a consensus report by industry and development experts, recommended government oversight and increased accountability for Canadian corporate mining practices in developing countries.

“The roundtable recommendations reflected a consensus among industry leaders and development experts, calling for corporate social responsibility standards concerning environment, human rights and workers rights,” explained McDonough. “ Specifically, they called for an independent ombudsperson to investigate the worst corporate violations, and accountability around how and when the federal government supports Canadian companies in developing countries.”

At the G8 meetings last June, the PM announced, ‘implementation of the recommendations from this process will place Canada among the most active G8 countries in advancing… corporate social responsibility.’

“Industry and civil society agreed this was the right approach, and the PM was eager to strut the recommendations before other G8 leaders. I urge him to show the world he was serious about his commitment by supporting my bill, and placing into law the recommendations arising from the roundtable process.”

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - June 18, 2008

From the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 18 Jun 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous

* US Supreme Court rejects ExxonMobil appeal to dismiss lawsuit over human rights abuses in Aceh, Indonesia

* Investor-backed ranking of pharmaceutical firms on access to medicines
- Top 3: GlaxoSmithKline, Novo Nordisk, Merck
- Bottom 3: Wyeth, Teva, Schering-Plough

* National human rights institutions meet to discuss business & human rights - Copenhagen, 1-2 July

* New material about John Ruggie's 2008 report to UN Human Rights Council:
- NGO statements: Center for Human Rights & Environment (CEDHA); Intl. Indian Treaty Council; Intl. Cooperation for Development and Solidarity (CIDSE)
- Statement by Intl. Council on Mining & Metals
- Bill Baue round-up of responses to the report

* Herbert Smith commentary on joint John Ruggie, IFC report "Stabilization clauses & human rights"

* UK retailer Primark drops 3 Indian suppliers for sub-contracting to embroiderers that use child labour
- Company cites "wholesale deception", says would normally work with suppliers
- NGO Labour Behind the Label calls on Primark to reverse decision, work with suppliers

* Kenya: Authorities close metal refinery EPZ over failure to safeguard public health & environment

* 4 case studies: Companies promoting institution-building in developing countries
- refers to BP, Statoil, Premier Oil, others

* US jury holds Taser Intl. partially responsible for a Taser-related death, for first time - company to appeal

* Wharton Business School examines how cheap laptops may help alleviate digital divide, poverty

* Webinar will discuss concerns over how US companies deal with intl. labour standards - 2 July, UN Principles for Responsible Investment

* Job announcement: Synergos Institute - Partnerships Services Director, based in New York

* Español: Perú: Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos presenta demanda contra policía y minera Majaz por torturas, homicidio

* Español: "Con licencia para saquear": Opinión en IPS de cómo la minería puede socavar los derechos humanos, agravar la pobreza

* Español: EE.UU.: Corte Suprema da luz verde a demanda contra ExxonMobil por abusos de derechos humanos en Indonesia

* Español: México: ONG recomienda negociar con laboratorios para reducir precios de medicinas de VIH/SIDA

* Español: Colombia: Premio "Emprender Paz" reconocerá aporte de las empresas en la construcción de paz - postulaciones abiertas

* Español: México: Comunidades y autoridades rechazan la hidroeléctrica Paso de Reina, en Oaxaca

* Español: EE.UU.: Corte establece responsabilidad de Taser Int. en muerte por uso de pistola "taser" - la compañía apelará

* Français : Rép. Dém. du Congo : Parlement invite les sociétés pétrolières opérant au large de Muanda à détruire leurs déchets polluants

* Français : France : Caisse d'épargne note ses produits financiers sur des critères sociaux & environnementaux développés avec des ONG & ADEME

* Français : Cour suprême américaine valide une plainte contre ExxonMobil pour atteintes aux droits de l'homme en Indonésie

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Panel on Indigenous Rights with Naomi Klein.

Panel on Indigenous Rights with Naomi Klein - Thursday, June 19

Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author of the New York Times and international bestseller, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies.

Door 6 pm, Panel 6:30 pm at the Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph Street (just south of Powell Street, just west of Victoria Drive) vancouver, coast salish territories. Suggested donation $10-20 (no one turned away). Come early for seating (no tickets or reservations) for more information email or 778 885 0040

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - June 11, 2008

From the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 11 Jun 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous

* Latest items on John Ruggie's report to UN Human Rights Council:
- Statement by John Ruggie on renewal of his mandate
- Mandate review discussion at Human Rights Council
- Financial Times on the Council's reaction to the report
- John Ruggie's response to article in Ethical Corporation

* Shareholders & activists urge Chevron to take responsibility for human rights impacts in Burma, Ecuador, Nigeria
- Comments by Chevron CEO

* Ghana: Responses by Newmont, Gold Fields to concerns that mining is impeding food production, other human rights & environmental issues (further to last week's Update)

* So. Africa: Anglo American approves country-wide roll-out of its AIDS drugs programme to treat families of its 75,000 workers

* Report raises concerns about human rights, environmental impacts of Goldcorp in the Americas
- We have invited Goldcorp to respond but they have not yet done so

* US "Toxic 100": Rejoinders by PERI to responses by the top 10 companies

* ArcelorMittal signs global agreement with unions on health & safety

* Interview with Iraqi lawyer injured in shootings by Blackwater, in which 17 civilians were killed
- Oct 2007 comments by Blackwater chairman on the incident

* Brazil: Amnesty Intl. highlights forced labour in sugar-cane industry

* Job announcement: Yahoo! seeks Director for new Business & Human Rights programme, Washington DC

* USA: New heat-related death highlights harsh labour conditions for migrant farmworkers in California

* How Latin American companies are addressing poverty: "Opportunities for the Majority Index"
- Top 5 are Bradesco, Grupo ACP, Paralife, Unibanco, Cemex

* Cambodia: "Child labor in brick factories - causes and consequences"

* Interview with Michael Conroy about his book "Branded! - How the 'Certification Revolution' is Transforming Global Companies"

* Egypt: Child labour in cotton fields supplying UK retailers
- Company responses included

* Lawyers bring case against Trafigura in UK courts on behalf of thousands of Ivorians allegedly poisoned by toxic waste

* Reminder: 23 June deadline - researcher positions at Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
- South Asia Researcher, based in India
- Eastern Europe / Central Asia Researcher, based in Ukraine

* Español: Perú: Autoridades de Cerro de Pasco denuncian grave contaminación por parte de dos empresas mineras

* Español: Colombia, conflicto armado y empresas:

- Experta Alexandra Guáqueta dice que empresas que pagan extorsiones aumentan el conflicto armado - menciona las "Guías Colombia" para saber como actuar

- "Aportes de las empresas para resolver el conflicto armado", Fundación Ideas para la Paz

- Comfamiliar Risaralda impulsa la reinserción social de la población desplazada

* Español: México: Nestlé inaugura centro comunitario en Veracruz para expandir programa de mejora alimenticia para niños

* Español: Ecuador: Movimientos sociales promueven marcha nacional contra minería

* Español: Chile: Mapuches dicen que emplazamiento de ducto de CELCO en Mehuin vulnera los derechos humanos

* Español: España: Endesa reduce accidentes laborales en un 80% en 3 años

* Español: EE.UU.: Muerte por deshidratación pone de relieve duras condiciones de trabajo de campesinos inmigrantes

* Français : Sénégal : Déclaration d'engagement du secteur privé contre le SIDA

* Français : Commentaire par le directeur général de l'Agence française de développement sur la responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Canada-Colombia trade deal reached.

From Reuters:
TORONTO, June 7 (Reuters) - Canada said on Saturday it had wrapped up free trade negotiations with Colombia and reached agreement on related labor and environmental issues, but the deal could raise criticism from opposition lawmakers concerned about the Andean country's human rights record.

Once implemented, the trade pact would improve access for farm and industrial goods and services trade between Canada and Colombia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade said in a news release posted on its Web site.

The deal would also provide for more secure investments, it said. Talks on the agreement began in July 2007.

The agreements "will help solidify ongoing efforts by the government of Colombia to create a more prosperous, equitable and secure democracy," Canadian Trade Minister David Emerson said.

In Washington, a free trade agreement with Colombia negotiated by the Bush administration has bogged down in the House of Representatives, where Democrats have delayed a vote on the package. The AFL-CIO labor organization is fighting the pact because it believes Colombia has not done enough to stop murders of trade unionists and bring their killers to justice.

Canada's Conservative government, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has shrugged off similar concerns at home, arguing it can have a positive influence on countries like Colombia by engaging them through trade and investment pacts.

Still, at the request of opposition parties, a parliamentary committee was set up to study the environmental and human rights concerns surrounding the talks with Bogota.

The agreements face legal and parliamentary reviews in both countries. After the review period, draft legislation will be submitted for approval by lawmakers.

The Canadian government said on Saturday the labor cooperation pact committed both countries to respecting the core standards set by the International Labour Organization, such as eliminating child labor and workplace discrimination, and ensuring the right to collective bargaining.

"This agreement, like the one that was signed by our government in Peru last week, contains some of the most comprehensive labor provisions to be found in any agreement anywhere in the world," Canadian Minister of Labour Jean-Pierre Blackburn said.

The agreement on the environment obliges Canada and Colombia to comply with and enforce domestic environmental laws and refrain from relaxing them to encourage trade or investment, the government said.

Trade between the two countries -- both major trading partners with the United States -- is substantial.

Last year, two-way merchandise trade between Canada and Colombia was $1.14 billion, the trade ministry said. Canada's direct investment stock in the Andean nation was $739 million.


The United States signed a free trade agreement with Colombia in November 2006 shortly after Democrats took control of Congress.

Since then, the Bush administration has been unable to win approval of the pact because senior Democrats -- including the party's presidential candidate Barack Obama -- say Colombia should first do much more to stop violence against unionists.

The Bush administration hopes Canada's free trade deal will give it new leverage to press for a vote in Congress this year on the U.S.-Colombia pact. It argues that U.S. exports to Colombia will be put at a disadvantage if Canada has a free trade deal and the United States does not.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pressed for action on a number of domestic economic concerns before Congress votes on the Colombia agreement. The Bush administration has resisted that, arguing the Colombia agreement itself would help the economy by boosting exports.

Pelosi has been a long-standing critic of Colombian violence against labor unions and lagging environmental protections.

U.S. labor unions, an important constituency for Democrats, especially in this election year, are strongly opposed to the trade deal with Colombia. (Additional reporting by Doug Palmer in Washington; Editing by John O'Callaghan)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - June 4, 2008

From the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 4 Jun 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous

* John Ruggie's presentation of his report to UN Human Rights Council, including video, 3 June
- Full report, companion report on sphere of influence & complicity, 2 addenda

* New responses & commentaries on John Ruggie's report, including:
- Responses by governments
- Statement by social investors
- Leading US lawyers disagree over how business should react (American Lawyer magazine)
- Sir Geoffrey Chandler (in Ethical Corporation)
- Executive Director of Oxfam Australia
- Misereor / Global Policy Forum and reply by John Ruggie
- Amnesty Intl. response to Sir Geoffrey Chandler's comments on joint NGO statement

* Nigeria: Workers allege "inhuman treatment", use of child labour and ban on unionization at Lee Group factory
- Lee Group's response

* Ghana: NGOs say mining companies have impeded food production, led to serious human rights abuses by the military
- AngloGold Ashanti response
- Newmont said it will respond; we will include its response in a future Update
- Golden Star has not yet responded; if it does we will include its response in a future Update
- Redback has not responded
- We are in the process of seeking a response from Goldfields

* India: Govt. takes steps on Bhopal disaster - a long way still to go

* Oxfam Briefing: What business leaders can do to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals

* Indonesia: National Commission on Human Rights urges govt. to investigate mud volcano at Lapindo Brantas gas well site, that displaced 36,000

* "China's Environmental Footprint in Africa", Peter Bosshard, Intl. Rivers

* General Electric aims to cut its water use 20% by 2012

* Burma Campaign UK releases new list of companies linked to Burma

* Microsoft joins One Laptop Per Child project

* Mining: How investment contracts can undermine human rights, exacerbate poverty

* "Voices from the Ground: The Human Face of Human Rights and Business", 4 June, Geneva

* Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights: Debate between Arvind Ganesan of Human Rights Watch & Alexandra Guaqueta of Cerrejon Coal

* Article by Klaus Leisinger of Novartis Foundation: "Corporate Philanthropy: The Top of the Pyramid"

* European Coalition for Corporate Justice presents 3 policy proposals to EU on business & human rights

* Mexico: Amicus curiae brief by NGOs supporting plaintiffs in environmental case against La Parota mega dam project

* Norwegian life insurance company KLP excludes Group 4 Securicor from investments over labour rights abuses

* Español: México: Denuncian amenazas contra defensora de derechos humanos que criticó a empresas constructoras en Monterrey

* Español: España: Acciona es premiada por su labor en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales

* Español: Perú: Más de 5.000 comunidades indígenas se oponen a decreto sobre inversión privada en sus tierras

* Español: Nuevo libro: "Empresas multinacionales y derechos humanos en derecho internacional"

* Español: Panamá: Compañía AES "apela al diálogo" con indígenas y ecologistas para resolver conflicto hidroeléctrico

* Español: México: Comisión acusa al Gobierno de negligencia frente a denuncias de daños a la salud y al ambiente por parte de firma BASF

* Français : Gabon : Des ONG font appel au gouvernement pour améliorer les conditions sociales et environnementales du contrat d'exploitation de fer signé avec le consortium chinois CMEC

* Français : Campagne appelle l'Union européenne à prendre des mesures pour « responsabiliser » les entreprises qui violent les droits de l'homme

* Français : France : Étude demontre que pour la plupart, les entreprises essaient d'améilorer leur impact sur l'environnement

* Français : Pérou : Exploitation pétrolière de Perenco est contestée en justice au nom de la protection de « tribus indiennes isolées »

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