Friday, August 29, 2008
Business & human rights: Weekly Update - August 27, 2008
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 27 Aug 2008
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* Which companies have made a public commitment to human rights? Mary Robinson launches initiative marking 60th Anniversary of Universal Declaration
- Bill Baue on joint project of Realizing Rights and Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
* USA: American Rights at Work highlights 10 employers with good worker relations
- Companies featured: Alabama Power, Delta Construction, DMAX, Gamesa, Justice Clothing, Team Industries, Zahner
* UK firms operating in Zimbabwe (including Barclays, BP, Shell) allegedly resisted voluntary ethical code proposed by UK Govt. aimed at avoiding complicity in abuses
* Arab Insurance Group (Arig) ceases insuring companies in Burma, following NGO report (further to our 20 Aug Update)
* Lawsuit filed in USA against KBR and subcontractor Daoud over alleged human trafficking to Iraq
* Zambia: Govt. review of mining agreements aims to generate more revenue for health, education
- Some companies consider legal action to prevent changes to their existing license agreements
* Swaziland: ILO praises HIV/AIDS initiatives by firms including Dalcrue, Superspar
* Guatemala: BBC report on tension between Goldcorp and Mayan community over mine's impacts
* Canada: Supreme Court Justice Binnie urges law to allow companies to be sued for complicity in abuses abroad
* China Labor Watch rejoinder to Puma, regarding working conditions at Surpassing shoe factory (further to our 9 July Update)
* Lawsuit in USA against ExxonMobil over alleged complicity in abuses in Aceh, Indonesia, to proceed
* Firestone rubber plantation in Liberia:
- Rejoinder by Save my Future Foundation & reply by Firestone (further to our 30 July Update)
* Mexico: Minefinders says after farmers' protests over social & environmental impacts, it may not have enough cash to operate mine (further to our 9 Jul, 30 Jul, 13 Aug, 20 Aug Updates)
* International Council on Mining & Metals recommends an "integrated and community-based approach" to tackle HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria
* Job announcement: Director India - SustainAbility (deadline 14 Sep)
* Español: Perú: Indígenas suspenden protestas luego que Congreso derogara temporalmente nueva ley que facilita concesiones a empresas
* Español: México: Viudas de mineros muertos hace más de 2 años en Pasta de Conchos siguen luchando para sacar los cadáveres
* Español: Guatemala y Perú implementan programas para reducir la brecha digital con el apoyo de Intel
* Español: Bolivia: Gerente de constructora Cidenbol es detenido por "tráfico de personas" (que su empresa envió a Rusia) y someterlos a condiciones deplorables - Gerente se defiende
* Español: Colombia: Transnacionales, una de las causas de la crisis humanitaria de los pueblos indígenas, según la ONU
* Español: Perú: Ministerio de Trabajo exhorta a empresas a "tomar decisiones más prudentes ante demandas sindicales"
* Español: Colombia: Baleària impulsa el desarrollo de empresas que beneficien la sociedad y el medio ambiente
* Français : Sherpa entame une action judiciaire contre Trafigura en France pour le déversement prétendu de déchets en Côte d'Ivoire
* Français : Borealis & Uponor lancent une initiative pour mesurer pour la première fois l'empreinte en eau de la production du plastique
* Français : Cameroun : Les ONG s'inquiètent des impacts de l'activité minière sur l'environnement & les communautés locales
* Français : Inde : Reporters sans frontières demande à Google de faire appel de la décision juridique qui la forcerait à divulguer l'identité d'un blogueur critique de l'entreprise Gremach
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Friday, August 22, 2008
BBC: Gold in Guatemala
With gold prices skyrocketing, the Mayans of Guatemala find themselves caught up in a new rush for the precious metal.
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We are in the town of Sipacapa in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, washing down a breakfast of tamale and beans with a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
As he tells me of the town's fight against a huge open pit gold mine, that famous picture of Che Guevara gazes at us from the wall. Here in Sipacapa, Mario Tema is an anti-mining icon.
Last year he travelled to Vancouver, where the mine's Canadian owner, Goldcorp, has its headquarters. He went to speak out against the mine at the company's annual shareholders meeting.
"After I spoke at the meeting," he says, "a shareholder approached me and he told me 'I don't care about your cause, all I care about is the money in my pocket."
Mr Tema tells me the story with a shake of his head. Do shareholders not know that his country was wracked by decades of civil war that saw more than 200,000 people killed, one million displaced, and that most of the victims were Mayan?
Do they not understand that the war was about land, how it was used, how it was exploited?
Do they not know about the massacres of entire Mayan villages by paramilitaries and right-wing death squads?
Business & human rights: Weekly Update - August 20, 1008
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 20 Aug 2008
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* Burma Campaign UK says firms providing insurance to companies operating in Burma "support dictators"
- responses by ACE, Al Wasl, Arab Insurance Group, Lloyd's, OCBC Bank/Great Eastern Life, Sompo
- Atrium Underwriting, Catlin, Labuan Re, Pana Harrison, QBE, Target Insurance Brokers did not respond
- Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance has indicated it will provide a response, which we will include in a future Update
- we have invited Tokio Marine to respond; if it provides a response, we will include it in a future Update
* Survival Intl. names "unholy trinity - the three worst companies abusing tribal peoples' rights"
- responses by Perenco, Vedanta
- Samling did not respond
* PricewaterhouseCoopers donates $4 million towards education of Darfur refugee children in Chad
* Investors, textile & apparel associations demand that Uzbekistan stop using forced child labour in cotton fields
- C&A, Gap, Levi Strauss, Marks & Spencer, Target, Tesco, Victoria's Secret take measures to exclude Uzbek cotton from their products
* So. Africa: Housing at Petra Diamonds' Helam mine "appalling", "unfit for human habitation"
- company responds
* African firms including East African Breweries, Kenya Airways, Sasol start to take action on climate change
* UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination calls on US & Canadian Govts. to ensure Canadian mining firms respect indigenous land claims in USA
* Critique of IFC's & Equator Principles' human rights standards & recommendations to banks
* Petition to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights over health impacts of chemical & petroleum factories in Mossville, Louisiana
* US Justice Dept. likely to seek to indict some Blackwater guards involved in shooting in Iraq that left 17 civilians dead
- US tightens rules for security contractors in Iraq
* UK: Growing number of companies join list of "gay-friendly employers" by taking steps to abolish discrimination
* China: Some residents displaced by property developers in run-up to Olympics seek access to justice, but are detained & beaten, find limited remedies
* Public Eye Awards: Nominees invited for "most evil company of the year": firms that blatantly disregarded their social & environmental responsibility
- also award for "most courageous employee"
* Ethical Trading Initiative launches new guidance for retailers
* Further to last week's Update on India Supreme Court decision allowing Vedanta's project in Orissa:
- Amnesty Intl. says communities "should not be forcibly evicted"
- UK investment fund Martin Currie sells Vedanta shares over its mining of mountain seen as sacred by locals in Orissa
* Job posting: Senior Program Officer, Trade & Decent Work Program, Realizing Rights - to be located in New York, Accra or Monrovia
* Business & Human Rights Resource Centre appoints Ella Skybenko as its first Eastern Europe/Central Asia Researcher
* Español: México: Acusan a empresas de despojar a indígenas oaxaqueños de sus tierras para construir parques eólicos - firmas responden
* Español: Perú: Empresas del consorcio Camisea donan cocinas y gas a municipalidad de Pisco afectada por terremoto el año pasado
* Español: Vedanta, Perenco y Samling son las firmas que "mayores abusos" cometen contra derechos de los indígenas, dice Survival Intl.
- respuestas de Perenco y Vedanta (en inglés)
- Samling no respondió
* Español: México: Congreso exhorta a la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos a investigar posibles abusos relacionados a operaciones de empresa Minefinders
- Amnistía Intl. expresa preocupación por ataque contra líder de protestas contra la empresa
* Español: Argentina: Tribunal confirma sentencia por daño ambiental y contaminación del agua contra Diacrom
* Español: Perú: Indígenas toman instalaciones de Pluspetrol y protestan contra el gobierno por ley que "fragmenta" sus tierras
* Español: Argentina: Fiscal que investiga a Minera La Alumbrera por contaminación enfrenta pedidos de destitución
* Français : Kenya : Unilever garantit un thé durable avec Rainforest Alliance - doit satisfaire 200 critères environnementaux, sociaux & économiques
* Français : Côte d'Ivoire : Deux ans après le déversement de déchets toxiques, les responsables restent impunis, selon les ONG
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Business & human rights: Weekly Update - August 13, 2008
CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:
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* Amnesty Intl. submission to John Ruggie on his 2008 report
* Dem. Rep. of Congo: DanWatch report alleges mobile phones linked to metal mining abuses
- Responses by Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Umicore
- Motorola has said that it will respond; we will include its response in a future Update
- We invited LG, LG Chem to respond; they have not yet done so
* National Labor Committee alleges abuses at Hoida factory in Shenzhen, China, producing "Ernie" toys
- Responses by Hoida factory, K'NEX, Hasbro
* AIDS Healthcare Foundation commends Merck over price cuts on 2 key AIDS drugs in Mexico
* Congo: Greenpeace report "Conning the Congo" says logging firm Danzer evades taxes, exacerbating poverty
- Danzer response
* Internet firms closer to agreeing code of conduct on freedom of expression & privacy
- Letters from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! to 2 US Senators who sought update on progress prior to Beijing Olympics
* Chevron responds to Newsweek article on lobbying US Govt. to cut Ecuador trade preferences over toxic waste lawsuit (further to last week's Update)
- Statement by EarthRights Intl.
* Intl. Alert issues performance indicators to help companies implement Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights
* Honduras: Concerns that "sustainable" tourism project in Tela may harm local ethnic group, environment
* China: Farmer & son die in clash with Mengma Rubber in Yunnan Province (background on the dispute provided)
- We invited Mengma Rubber to respond. If we receive a response we will include it in a future Update.
* Guatemala: Indigenous farmers protest against displacement, environmental damage by sugar ethanol companies
- Alleged violent repression of protestors by security agents working for Ingenio Guadalupe
- We invited Ingenio Guadalupe to respond. If we receive a response we will include it in a future Update.
* USA: Wal-Mart allegedly issued warnings to store managers that Democrat election victory would lead to more unionisation
- Wal-Mart denies telling employees how to vote
* Summary of meeting on UN Special Representative John Ruggie's framework, hosted by Global Witness, British Institute of Intl. and Comparative Law, May 2008
* USA: Wachovia prize on innovative finance for the poor; 10 finalists chosen
* Nigeria: World Bank admits W. African gas pipeline (joint venture of Chevron, Shell & other firms) displaced poor residents without adequate compensation
- Critics welcome report but say it should go further
* China Industrial Bank given green award by NGOs - bank withdraws loans if companies flout environmental criteria
* Coca-Cola says two-thirds of China suppliers not compliant with its policies on workers' rights & environment
* USA: Abbott settles lawsuit over price of AIDS drug
* Malaysia: Nike investigation confirms worker abuse at supplier factory - Nike says will increase monitoring
* Ghana: Survey shows companies lagging on workplace HIV/AIDS policies - managers likely to dismiss employees with HIV
* Español: Ecuador: Cabildeo de Chevron pide a EE.UU. no renovar preferencias arancelarias con Ecuador si procede la demanda en su contra (Newsweek)
* Español: México: Merck reduce el precio de medicamentos contra el SIDA - ONG elogia a la empresa
* Español: Honduras: Fotoreportaje sobre resistencia del pueblo Garífuna a mega-proyecto turístico en sus tierras
* Español: México: Joven denuncia que al menos 4 empresas le han negado empleo por ser portador de VIH
* Español: México: Compañías miembro del Consejo Nacional Empresarial sobre Sida toman medidas contra la discriminación por VIH-Sida
* Français : Rép. Dém. du Congo: Des ONGs s'inquiètent du manque de transparence dans la renégociation des contrats miniers
* Français : Niger: Des ONG exigent la transparence sur contrat pétrolier avec la société chinoise CNPC
* Français : Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! et d'autres en train de finaliser une code sur la libre expression et la protection de la confidentialité
ARCHIVE of past Weekly Updates / ARCHIVO de actualizaciones pasadas / ARCHIVE des Actualités hebdomadaires précédentes:
Business & human rights: Weekly Update - August 6, 2008
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 6 Aug 2008
CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:
Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous
* Amnesty Intl. submission to John Ruggie on his 2008 report
* Dem. Rep. of Congo: DanWatch report alleges mobile phones linked to metal mining abuses
- Responses by Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Umicore
- Motorola has said that it will respond; we will include its response in a future Update
- We invited LG, LG Chem to respond; they have not yet done so
* National Labor Committee alleges abuses at Hoida factory in Shenzhen, China, producing "Ernie" toys
- Responses by Hoida factory, K'NEX, Hasbro
* AIDS Healthcare Foundation commends Merck over price cuts on 2 key AIDS drugs in Mexico
* Congo: Greenpeace report "Conning the Congo" says logging firm Danzer evades taxes, exacerbating poverty
- Danzer response
* Internet firms closer to agreeing code of conduct on freedom of expression & privacy
- Letters from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! to 2 US Senators who sought update on progress prior to Beijing Olympics
* Chevron responds to Newsweek article on lobbying US Govt. to cut Ecuador trade preferences over toxic waste lawsuit (further to last week's Update)
- Statement by EarthRights Intl.
* Intl. Alert issues performance indicators to help companies implement Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights
* Honduras: Concerns that "sustainable" tourism project in Tela may harm local ethnic group, environment
* China: Farmer & son die in clash with Mengma Rubber in Yunnan Province (background on the dispute provided)
- We invited Mengma Rubber to respond. If we receive a response we will include it in a future Update.
* Guatemala: Indigenous farmers protest against displacement, environmental damage by sugar ethanol companies
- Alleged violent repression of protestors by security agents working for Ingenio Guadalupe
- We invited Ingenio Guadalupe to respond. If we receive a response we will include it in a future Update.
* USA: Wal-Mart allegedly issued warnings to store managers that Democrat election victory would lead to more unionisation
- Wal-Mart denies telling employees how to vote
* Summary of meeting on UN Special Representative John Ruggie's framework, hosted by Global Witness, British Institute of Intl. and Comparative Law, May 2008
* USA: Wachovia prize on innovative finance for the poor; 10 finalists chosen
* Nigeria: World Bank admits W. African gas pipeline (joint venture of Chevron, Shell & other firms) displaced poor residents without adequate compensation
- Critics welcome report but say it should go further
* China Industrial Bank given green award by NGOs - bank withdraws loans if companies flout environmental criteria
* Coca-Cola says two-thirds of China suppliers not compliant with its policies on workers' rights & environment
* USA: Abbott settles lawsuit over price of AIDS drug
* Malaysia: Nike investigation confirms worker abuse at supplier factory - Nike says will increase monitoring
* Ghana: Survey shows companies lagging on workplace HIV/AIDS policies - managers likely to dismiss employees with HIV
* Español: Ecuador: Cabildeo de Chevron pide a EE.UU. no renovar preferencias arancelarias con Ecuador si procede la demanda en su contra (Newsweek)
* Español: México: Merck reduce el precio de medicamentos contra el SIDA - ONG elogia a la empresa
* Español: Honduras: Fotoreportaje sobre resistencia del pueblo Garífuna a mega-proyecto turístico en sus tierras
* Español: México: Joven denuncia que al menos 4 empresas le han negado empleo por ser portador de VIH
* Español: México: Compañías miembro del Consejo Nacional Empresarial sobre Sida toman medidas contra la discriminación por VIH-Sida
* Français : Rép. Dém. du Congo: Des ONGs s'inquiètent du manque de transparence dans la renégociation des contrats miniers
* Français : Niger: Des ONG exigent la transparence sur contrat pétrolier avec la société chinoise CNPC
* Français : Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! et d'autres en train de finaliser une code sur la libre expression et la protection de la confidentialité
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