Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - May 14, 2008

From the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 14 May 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

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* Burma cyclone:
- CSR Asia reviews 50 companies that do business with Burma - finds only PTT, Total had announced aid by 7 May
- CSR Asia update: Describes steps by Exotissimo, Lonely Planet, Abercrombie & Kent, Asia TransPacific Journeys, Google, Microsoft, Intrepid Travel
- Chevron to give $2 million in cyclone relief aid
- Business school professors call on firms with business links to Burma to provide relief
- Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Johnson & Johnson and others give medical aid to victims
- Leber Jeweler says cyclone is country's "latest catastrophe" after years of govt. abuses; company continues work with Jewelers' Burma Relief Project

* Joint initial views on UN Special Representative John Ruggie's 2008 report, by Intl. Org. of Employers, Intl. Chamber of Commerce, Business & Industry Advisory Committee to OECD

* Namibia: PricewaterhouseCoopers report finds many companies not doing enough to tackle HIV/AIDS

* Project Kaleidoscope by McDonald's, Disney, Interfaith Center & others, on improving supply chain working conditions - final report

* Colombia: Chiquita's ties to armed groups - 60 Minutes report (USA)
- includes interviews with Chiquita CEO, & with paramilitary leader

* Letter from Louise Arbour & Georg Kell: How companies can mark 60th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

* Mexico: UNICEF says 300,000 children work illegally on farms, often at dangerous jobs producing food for export

* De Beers "Diamond Dialogue" on "Business integrity in Africa - Accountability as the basis for sustainable development" - report of latest discussion

* Colombia: War on Want report on displacement & violence to make way for palm oil cultivation
- industry says abuses are "isolated cases"

* Blackwater unlikely to be prosecuted in USA for Iraq shooting - individual guards may face charges

* US Supreme Court, lacking quorum, allows apartheid reparations case to proceed

* Ghana: Unilever, World Food Programme in partnership to combat child hunger

* UK: Govt. revokes recruitment agency's license over forced labour of migrant flower pickers - Timberland Homes denies allegations

* Iraqi workers at British Embassy in Baghdad allege sexual harassment by KBR managers
- company denies allegations

* UN Global Compact US Network meeting on business & human rights, 28 April - report

* Africa: Telecom firms launch toll-free mobile service in remote areas to increase access to emergency medical service

* Job announcements, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
- South Asia Researcher, India - deadline 23 June
- Eastern Europe/Central Asia Researcher, Kiev - deadline 23 June
- Legal research interns, London - deadline 2 June

* Job announcement, Intl. Federation for Human Rights (FIDH): Program Officer, "Business & human rights", Paris - deadline 25 May

* Español: Colombia: Líder paramilitar dice que "todas las empresas bananeras de Urabá" le pagaron a grupos armados

* Español: España: Greenpeace exige que se ponga fin a la "catástrofe sanitaria y ambiental" causada por empresa Fertiberia

* Español: BBVA y la OEI firman convenio para mejorar la educación infantil en América Latina

* Español: Uruguay: Trabajadores se movilizan contra Prosegur por mejoras salariales, de higiene y seguridad

* Español: México: Permanecen impunes desastres en empresas agroquímicas Anaversa y Cromatos de México que afectaron seriamente la salud humana

* Español: España: Se lanza campaña para sensibilizar consumidores sobre derechos humanos en las cadenas de suministro

* Español: Tesis de Miriam Soto (México) sobre activismo cívico ambiental y laboral ante las prácticas negativas de empresas multinacionales

* Français : Birmanie : Total fera un don de 2 millions de dollars pour les victimes du cyclone, mais reste réticent à prêter ses hélicoptères aux ONG ou à l'ONU

* Français : Rép. Dém. du Congo : SEP-Congo contribue à la lutte contre le Sida dans le secteur des transports via le Programme alimentaire mondial

* Français : L'Indonésie veut une huile de palme certifiée écologique

* Français : Opportunité de travail : Chargé(e) de programme « Entreprises et droits de l'Homme », Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'Homme (FIDH), date limite 25 mai

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