Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Business & human rights: Weekly Update - May 28, 2008

From the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre:
Weekly Update: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - 28 May 2008

CLICK THIS LINK FOR ALL TOP STORIES added past 7 days / Principales noticias / Articles de premier plan:

Español: ver abajo - Français : voir ci-dessous

* Commentary on John Ruggie's 2008 report: US lawyers say basic concepts are sound and should be supported by business

* Speech by John Ruggie at Chatham House, 22 May: "Next steps in business and human rights"

* "Red Flags" website lists 9 activities which should alert companies to possible legal risks in high-risk areas

* USA: Burger King & Coalition of Immokalee Workers reach agreement to improve tomato pickers' pay & working conditions

* China earthquake: Construction firms accused of failing to meet safety standards on buildings which collapsed

* Bangladesh: Allegations of child labour, pollution, health & safety violations by subcontractors of Telenor, Grameenphone
- includes company responses

* Genocide Intervention Network finds companies targeted for divestment from Sudan underperformed their competitors

* Sir Geoffrey Chandler comments on joint NGO statement re John Ruggie's report

* Survey of the practices of National Human Rights Institutions prepared by Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on behalf of John Ruggie's mandate

* India: Reliance partners with UNAIDS to expand access to HIV/AIDS services for the poor

* USA: Supreme Court rules workers can sue firms over retaliation following race or age discrimination complaints

* So. Africa: Media accused of fuelling xenophobia through "constant anti-foreigner reporting"

* Diamond Development Initiative releases "Standards & Guidelines for Sierra Leone's Artisanal Diamond Mining Sector"

* Ghana: Government establishes task force to help mining make more positive contribution to development

* Center for Democracy & Technology says internet companies must exercise due diligence to minimise human rights risks - calls for voluntary industry principles

* EIRIS finds most FTSE 100 firms progressing on environmental & social issues - small minority continue poor performance

* Español: Declaración conjunta de ONGs al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU sobre el reporte del representante especial para empresas & derechos humanos John Ruggie

* Español: Chile: Senador y sindicatos denuncian "violación sistemática" de los derechos de los trabajadores en empresas de seguridad

* Español: BBVA dona un millón de dólares para las víctimas del terremoto en China

* Español: Perú: Minera Volcán es acusada de "crímenes ambientales que atentan contra la vida y salud" de pobladores de Cerro Pasco
- invitamos a Minera Volcán a responder pero hasta la fecha no hemos recibido su respuesta

* Español: España: Bankinter y Servimedia son premiadas por su labor de integración de personas con discapacidad

* Español: Centroamérica: Denuncian discriminación laboral contra personas discapacitadas

* Español: España: Mueren 4 trabajadores en obras del estadio del Valencia - sindicatos apuntan a "horarios excesivos"
- empresa responde

* Français : Soumission conjointe d'ONGs au Conseil des Droits de l'Homme de l'ONU au sujet du rapport du Représentant spécial John Ruggie

* Français : Consoles de jeu vidéo : Greenpeace épingle Sony, Microsoft et Nintendo pour des substances chimiques dangereuses
- Article (en anglais) avec des réponses de Nintendo, Sony. Nous avons invité Microsoft à répondre. Si nous recevons une réponse nous l'inclurons dans une prochaine actualité

* Français : Sénégal: Les entreprises engagées dans la lutte contre le Sida pourront bénéficier de l'appui financier du gouvernement

ARCHIVE of past Weekly Updates / ARCHIVO de actualizaciones pasadas / ARCHIVE des Actualités hebdomadaires précédentes:

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